Implicarea tinerilor în deciziile la nivel local începe cu organizarea unor discuții și întâlniri cu reprezentanții administrației publice locale (APL) și aleșii comunității. Pe acest principiu s-au bazat grupurile de inițiativă civică ale tinerilor din com. Antonești și Cania din raionul Cantemir, care au organizat primele întâlniri cu primarii din localitățile rurale unde trăiesc.

We are launching 7 video spots promoting European values made by young people from the southern districts of Moldova
The Center for Educational and Community Development (CDEC) announces the launch of 7 video spots promoting European values among the local community. The video materials aim to inform and sensitize residents about European values: respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, human rights, the rule of law, cultural diversity, solidarity, etc., and are made with the participation of young people from the southern districts of Moldova.

CDEC held 7 weekend camps for young people: Promoting and embracing European values
The Center for Educational and Community Development (CDEC) organized 7-weekend camps dedicated to young men and women, to promote and embrace European values, inform them about what the process of joining the European Union (EU) means, start negotiations for joining the EU, understand the benefits but also the challenges, including taking good practices and creating Europe at home.

Weekend Camp for young people in Cimișlia and Basarabeasca towns: We explore European values
This week, the Center for Educational and Community Development (CDEC) had the pleasure of organizing a Weekend Camp dedicated to European values, intended for young people from the Cimișlia and Basarabeasca towns, who want to understand better and actively engage in promoting the fundamental principles of the European Union.
The CDEC team is dedicated to promoting and implementing educational and social initiatives for the benefit of the communities they serve. The team consists of passionate and dedicated professionals with experience in various relevant fields such as education, community development, democracy, analysis and advocacy.

Cristina Berlinschii

Elena Uzunov